Event Proof Of Presence

Create an event and automatically issue proof of presence attendance with a QR code shared with invitees. This feature tracks and rewards community participation, making it easier to identify active members. As their reputation grows over time, these dedicated individuals will earn more trust, bounties, and important responsibilities within the community.

Founders, to issue proof of presence, you will need to have already minted a badge. Once completed, you are now ready to create an event.

In addition to the selection of the badge that will be issued to attendees, the event creation form requires an:

  • event description

  • start date/time

  • event type (virtual or physical)

  • unique event PIN

Once, the event is created, an event link is generated. During the scheduled time of the event, that link displays a page with a QR Code, which updates every 30 seconds, and PIN access.

When an attendee scans the QR code and enters the PIN, a proof of presence badge will automatically be issued on the attendee's passport.

Last updated